Monday, April 29, 2013

How to re-direct an old custom domain - and all its posts - to a new one

This article describes options for making link to a blog's old URL automatically point to the blog's new URL after a custom domain change.

If you have a blog made with Blogger which has a custom domain, then it's easy enough to switch this blog to use a different domain. Doing this moves both the content (posts and pages) and template (layout, structure, colour-scheme).

Often when people make this type of change, they want to set up re-directs so that if anyone clicks an external link to the old custom domain, they are re-directed to the same content on the new domain.
For example, should redirect to

With many other website building tools, the .htaccess file for the site lets you set up re-directs like this. But things are little different when you use Blogger.

Your Blogspot address VS your custom domain

Your blog always has a blogspot addresss - let's call it:

When you publish to a custom domain, Blogger automatically handles the re-direction from to for you. This works at all levels, so the home page and every individual post/page are all redirected correctly.

To move your blog from from to, you simply tell Blogger to
  1. Stop publishing your blog to and then to
  2. Start publishing it to

(See Switching your blog to a different custom domain for more information about this.)

Once you have done this (and afer a little bit of transition time), Blogger handles the re-direction from to for you - as before, this works at all levels, so the home page and every individual post/page are redirected correctly.

One point that many people mis-understand, is that after you have done this, there is no connection between Blogger and your old custom domain. You have various options (listed below) for what to do with - and you aren't limited to the features that Blogger offers. The only limits are based on what your domain registrar allows, and what tools you can (learn to) use.

Options for re-directing your old custom domain

Option 1: Registrar re-direction

Once you have stopped publishing your blog to, Blogger has no connection with it at all.

How you manage re-directions from it is totally up to the tools provided by the domain registrar. The simplest approach is to set up a "301 redirect" on the domain, which simply sends all traffic to it to another domain of your choice.

The method for setting this up depends on the tools used by your domain registrar - search their help files for terms like "301 redirect" to find out what is possible with tools.

See Using a custom domain for something other than your blog for advice about accessing your domain registrar account for the domain.


  • This is the easiest approach, and doesn't require you to make a website of any type.
  • Visitors are automatically re-directed.


  • Depending on how the registrar's tools work, visitors may be automatically redirected to your new home page, not the the post that they specifically followed a link to.

Option 2: Another website tool

If you know how to use another website development tool that does provide access to the .htaccess file for the site, then you could make a "site" that just contains page-and-post level redirections for all your existing posts and pages.


  • This approach sends people to the exact content that they followed a link to.


  • It could be tedious setting this up for every post and page, if you have a lot of them at the time when you change domains.
  • You need to choose and learn a very different type of website building tool to do this.

Option 3: use Blogger to make a site-level re-direction message

Make a totally new blog (eg,

Publish it to your old custom domain

Give it one post that says
" has moved to please update your links"

Use the Settings > Search preferences > Errors and redirections > Custom Redirect Custom Page Not Found  option to explain that your blog has moved, and send any traffic to that one post.


  • This is a simple approach, using tools that you already know.
  • It will work forever (because blogspot domains don't expire).


  • Visitors will not be automatically redirected: the best you can do is show a link which goes to a selected post or page in your blog, which the visitor needs to click to go to the blog.
  • The re-direction link is only to one specific page, not to the exact content that was linked to iniitially.  This is quite different from what many people want to achieve - blogger simply does not have that functionality.

A non-option: Blogger's custom redirect tool

Blogger has a function under Settings > Search preferences > Errors and redirections > Custom Redirects  that lets you set up custom redirects for individual pages.

However this isn't suitable when you change your custom-domain totally, because it only supports re-direction within the same blog, not to an external URL.

(And anyway, if you have a significant number of posts, it would not be practical.)

Other options?

Have you found any other ways around this? Or any good tool for setting up .htaccess redirects on a domain that you used to use for a blog?  Share your experience in the comments area below.

Related Articles:

Using a custom domain for something other than your blog

Linking your blog and your website.

How to make a real website using Blogger

Switching your blog to a different custom domain

SEO Basics for Bloggers
Read more > How to re-direct an old custom domain - and all its posts - to a new one

How To Add A Tabbed Navigation Widget to Blogger

The tabviews are elements that allow us to group in a single container various gadgets and these can be selected via tabs.
Its main function is to save space on the blog to avoid scattered gadgets in the same category so you can group multiple gadgets into one. There are several methods for creating tabviews, some require jQuery, other MooTools, or any other script.
To add this widget to your blog, just follow the steps below:

Step 1. From your Blogger Dashboard, go to Template and click on the Edit HTML button

Step 2. Expand the style of the template, by clicking on the sideways arrow before <b:skin> ... </b:skin>

Step 3. Search using CTRL + F for the following tag:


Step 4. Just above it, add the following code:

/* Tabview for Blogger
----------------------------------------------- */
margin:15px 0;

.tabviewnav {
margin: 0 0 0 14px;
padding:3px 0; /* If you are using a Blogger Template change 0 with 15px */
font-size:12px; /* Font size of text inside tabs */
.tabviewnav li {
.tabviewnav li a {
padding:3px 6px;
background:#F6F6F6; /* The background color of the tabs */
border-radius:5px 5px 0 0;
-moz-border-radius:5px 5px 0 0;
-webkit-border-radius:5px 5px 0 0;
.tabviewnav li a:hover {
background:#EBEBEB; /* Background color of the tab on mouseover */
.tabviewnav li.tabviewactive a,
.tabviewnav li.tabviewactive a:hover {
background:#EBEBEB; /* Background color of the active tab */
.tabviewcont .tabviewtab {
border:1px solid #EEEEEE; /* Border around the container */
background:#fff; /* The background color of the gadget */
.tabviewcont .tabviewtab h2,
.tabviewcont .tabviewtabhide {
.tabviewtab .widget-content ul{
margin:0 0 10px 0;
.tabviewtab .widget-content li {
border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;
margin:0 5px;
padding:2px 0 5px 0;

Step 5. Find the </head> tag and just above it, paste this script:

<script type='text/javascript'>
// Tabview for grouping gadgets

document.write('<style type="text/css">.tabview{display:none;}<\/style>');function tabviewObj(argsObj){var arg;this.div=null;this.classMain="tabview";this.classMainLive="tabviewcont";this.classTab="tabviewtab";this.classTabDefault="tabviewtabdefault";this.classNav="tabviewnav";this.classTabHide="tabviewtabhide";this.classNavActive="tabviewactive";this.titleElements=['h2','h3','h4','h5','h6'];this.titleElementsStripHTML=true;this.removeTitle=true;this.addLinkId=false;this.linkIdFormat='<tabviewid>nav<tabnumberone>';for(arg in argsObj){this[arg]=argsObj[arg]}this.REclassMain=new RegExp('\\b'+this.classMain+'\\b','gi');this.REclassMainLive=new RegExp('\\b'+this.classMainLive+'\\b','gi');this.REclassTab=new RegExp('\\b'+this.classTab+'\\b','gi');this.REclassTabDefault=new RegExp('\\b'+this.classTabDefault+'\\b','gi');this.REclassTabHide=new RegExp('\\b'+this.classTabHide+'\\b','gi');this.tabs=new Array();if(this.div){this.init(this.div);this.div=null}}tabviewObj.prototype.init=function(e){var childNodes,i,i2,t,defaultTab=0,DOM_ul,DOM_li,DOM_a,aId,headingElement;if(!document.getElementsByTagName){return false}if({}this.tabs.length=0;childNodes=e.childNodes;for(i=0;i<childNodes.length;i++){if(childNodes[i].className&&childNodes[i].className.match(this.REclassTab)){t=new Object();t.div=childNodes[i];this.tabs[this.tabs.length]=t;if(childNodes[i].className.match(this.REclassTabDefault)){defaultTab=this.tabs.length-1}}}DOM_ul=document.createElement("ul");DOM_ul.className=this.classNav;for(i=0;i<this.tabs.length;i++){t=this.tabs[i];t.headingText=t.div.title;if(this.removeTitle){t.div.title=''}if(!t.headingText){for(i2=0;i2<this.titleElements.length;i2++){headingElement=t.div.getElementsByTagName(this.titleElements[i2])[0];if(headingElement){t.headingText=headingElement.innerHTML;if(this.titleElementsStripHTML){t.headingText.replace(/<br>/gi," ");t.headingText=t.headingText.replace(/<[^>]+>/g,"")}break}}}if(!t.headingText){t.headingText=i+1}DOM_li=document.createElement("li");;DOM_a=document.createElement("a");DOM_a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t.headingText));DOM_a.href="javascript:void(null);";DOM_a.title=t.headingText;DOM_a.onclick=this.navClick;DOM_a.tabview=this;DOM_a.tabviewIndex=i;if(this.addLinkId&&this.linkIdFormat){aId=this.linkIdFormat;aId=aId.replace(/<tabviewid>/gi,;aId=aId.replace(/<tabnumberzero>/gi,i);aId=aId.replace(/<tabnumberone>/gi,i+1);aId=aId.replace(/<tabtitle>/gi,t.headingText.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]/gi,''));}DOM_li.appendChild(DOM_a);DOM_ul.appendChild(DOM_li)}e.insertBefore(DOM_ul,e.firstChild);e.className=e.className.replace(this.REclassMain,this.classMainLive);this.tabShow(defaultTab);if(typeof this.onLoad=='function'){this.onLoad({tabview:this})}return this};tabviewObj.prototype.navClick=function(event){var rVal,a,self,tabviewIndex,onClickArgs;a=this;if(!a.tabview){return false}self=a.tabview;tabviewIndex=a.tabviewIndex;a.blur();if(typeof self.onClick=='function'){onClickArgs={'tabview':self,'index':tabviewIndex,'event':event};if(!event){onClickArgs.event=window.event}rVal=self.onClick(onClickArgs);if(rVal===false){return false}}self.tabShow(tabviewIndex);return false};tabviewObj.prototype.tabHideAll=function(){var i;for(i=0;i<this.tabs.length;i++){this.tabHide(i)}};tabviewObj.prototype.tabHide=function(tabviewIndex){var div;if(!this.tabs[tabviewIndex]){return false}div=this.tabs[tabviewIndex].div;if(!div.className.match(this.REclassTabHide)){div.className+=' '+this.classTabHide}this.navClearActive(tabviewIndex);return this};tabviewObj.prototype.tabShow=function(tabviewIndex){var div;if(!this.tabs[tabviewIndex]){return false}this.tabHideAll();div=this.tabs[tabviewIndex].div;div.className=div.className.replace(this.REclassTabHide,'');this.navSetActive(tabviewIndex);if(typeof this.onTabDisplay=='function'){this.onTabDisplay({'tabview':this,'index':tabviewIndex})}return this};tabviewObj.prototype.navSetActive=function(tabviewIndex){this.tabs[tabviewIndex].li.className=this.classNavActive;return this};tabviewObj.prototype.navClearActive=function(tabviewIndex){this.tabs[tabviewIndex].li.className='';return this};function tabviewAutomatic(tabviewArgs){var tempObj,divs,i;if(!tabviewArgs){tabviewArgs={}}tempObj=new tabviewObj(tabviewArgs);divs=document.getElementsByTagName("div");for(i=0;i<divs.length;i++){if(divs[i].className&&divs[i].className.match(tempObj.REclassMain)){tabviewArgs.div=divs[i];divs[i].tabview=new tabviewObj(tabviewArgs)}}return this}function tabviewAutomaticOnLoad(tabviewArgs){var oldOnLoad;if(!tabviewArgs){tabviewArgs={}}oldOnLoad=window.onload;if(typeof window.onload!='function'){window.onload=function(){tabviewAutomatic(tabviewArgs)}}else{window.onload=function(){oldOnLoad();tabviewAutomatic(tabviewArgs)}}}if(typeof tabviewOptions=='undefined'){tabviewAutomaticOnLoad()}else{if(!tabviewOptions['manualStartup']){tabviewAutomaticOnLoad(tabviewOptions)}}

Step 6. Finally, look for this line:

<div class='column-right-inner'>

Or if you use an old template of Blogger, search this line:

<div id='sidebar-wrapper'>

Step 7. Paste below one of these two lines, this code:

<div class='tabview'>
<b:section class='tabviewtab' id='Tab1' maxwidgets='1'/>
<b:section class='tabviewtab' id='Tab2' maxwidgets='1'/>
<b:section class='tabviewtab' id='Tab3' maxwidgets='1'/>

Step 8. Save changes, and go to Layout and there you will see the new areas to add gadgets.

You just have to click on Add a Gadget to add the gadget to the tab that corresponds, or drag a gadget you already have to that section.

If you want to add more tabs, then just add before the last </div> a line like this:

<b:section class='tabviewtab' id='Tab4' maxwidgets='1'/>

Note that each line you add should have a different ID, for example Tab5, Tab6, etc..

You can add multiple tabs, just repeat the last step and likewise remember to change the name of the IDs.

Remember that if your sidebar is too narrow, then you should not put a lot of tabs, or tab titles that are very long.

You should also note that this gadget does not speed up the loading speed of the blog, is only to group gadgets into one, even, depending on the blog-may take a while to load the tabview.
Read more > How To Add A Tabbed Navigation Widget to Blogger

Friday, April 26, 2013

Expandable Recent Comments Widget for Blogger/Blogspot

This Expandable Recent Comments is a very accessible widget that can be collapsed or expanded through user interaction, so that now, we don't have to click on the commenter or post title link in order to see the content of a comment.
recent comments widget, blogger gadgets, blogspot tricks

The expanding content can be shown or hidden by clicking on the plus/minus icon or by pressing the "Show all" or "Hide all" button at run time.

How To Add The Expandable Recent Comments Widget to Blogger

Step 1. Log in to your Blogger dashboard and go to Layout > Click on "Add a Gadget" link

Step 2. From the pop-up window, scroll down and click on the HTML/JavaScript widget

Step 3. Copy and paste this code inside the empty box:
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
.row-aa {        background: #f2f2f3; }
.row-bb {        background: #F8F5F1; }
.row-div { 
.comment-header {
//  border:1px solid #E0E0E0;
//  background-color:#F3F3F3;
.comment-box {
.comments1  { 
//  background: #F3F3F3;
  border-left:1px dashed #A6A6A6;
  color: #888888;
  font-style: italic;
.comment-footer {

<div style="text-align: center" class="comment-header"><input class="comment-button" id="commshowall" type="button" onclick="if (this.value == &#39;Show all&#39;) { unfold_all(this); this.value=&#39;Hide all&#39;; } else { fold_all(this); this.value=&#39;Show all&#39;; }" style="width:8em;font-size:1em;font-family:Verdana,sans" value="Show all" /></div>

<div class="comment-box">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript"  src="">
<script type="text/javascript"  src="">


Note: Replace with your blog/site address.

Step 4. Save your widget and you're done!

Enjoy :)
Read more > Expandable Recent Comments Widget for Blogger/Blogspot

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Recent Comments Widget with Avatars To Blogger & Top Commentators

This post explains how you can add Recent Comments widget for Blogger Blogspot blogs.Once the reader finds a recent comments widget in the sidebar of the blog, will come to know that your blog is quite active and invites you to send comments on his blog. In this way you can collect some active user base to comment on your blog posts.Now you can reward your best commentators, showing their names with clickable links to your Blogger blog and it helps to see that comments in his blog more often.

Recent Comments Widget with Avatar

Add Top 10+ Stylish Recent Comment Widgets with Hover Effect

1.Login to Blogger
2.Choose your style
3.Customize the Settings as you need and Click the "Generate" Button
4.Finally Click the "Add to Blogger" Button. :D
5.Your Widget will Add Automatically

Precaution: Do NOT add a slash ‘/’ after the URL. It should be and not . Also http:// part has to be added before the URL.

Style 1:

Recent Comments Widget with Avatar Generator

Style 2:

Eclipse Rounded Corner Mouse Hover Style with Red Color

Recent Comments Widget with Avatar

Style 3:

Just Click Round Style with Pink Color

Recent Comments Widget with Avatar

Style 4:

Mouse Hover Rectangular Shadow Effect

Recent Comments Widget with Avatar

Style 5:

Simple and Decent Hover Effect with Blue Border

Recent Comments Widget with Avatar

Style 6:

Amazing Recent Comment Widget With Avatar

Recent Comments Widget with Avatar

Style 7:

Metro Style Recent Comments

Recent Comments Widget with Avatar

Style 8:

Flexible Recent Comments

Recent Comments Widget with Avatar

Style 9:

Border Radius with green background

Recent Comments Widget with Avatar

Style 10:

Stunning Latest Comment Box Widget with Rounded Avatar

Recent Comments Widget with Avatar

How to add Recent Comments Widget with Rounded Images for Blogger?

Follow these very simple steps to add the "Recent Comments Widget with Rounded Images" in your blog.
  • Step 1: Go To Blogger > Design > Page Elements
  • Step 2: Click on "Add a Gadget"
  • Step 3: Now choose HTML/JavaScript
  • Step 4: Copy and paste the following code 

How To Add Top Commentators Widget with Avatar Generator

No need to explain about the comments feed. Each comment not only helps the commentator, but also the owner of the blog. Discuss and comment back is a powerful tool in SEO.Being owner of a blog, it is our duty to find it "comment" more and then give a great respect for them. Here the code for creating a "widget TOP COMMENTATOR" from the last 10,000 comments.You may have noticed the widget Commentators Save on WordPress blogs. Sometimes referred to as Best Commentators Widget. Now you can reward your best commentators, showing their names with clickable links to your Blogger blog and it helps to see that comments in his blog more often.

Top Commentators Widget

Many thanks to Harish for making this code and I just tested and modified to work on blogger

Read more > Recent Comments Widget with Avatars To Blogger & Top Commentators

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How To Add Animated Flash Clock To Your Blogger Blog

Hello! `How are you guys? here's the cool Clock.this tutorial will show you how to Add animated flash clock gadget your Blogger blog. A clock gives a beautiful look to a website. A clock is a necessity for a personal website, forum, blog etc.Isn’t it exciting when you get a highly quality flash Clock absolutely Free? you can add this flash animated clock your blog easily.i've tested this Flash Clock on internet explorer, mozzilla firefox & many other web browsers. it's very fast and fresh.You simply have to copy the code below each clock and add it to your blog.

Animated Flash Clock To Your Blogger Blog

How To Add Aniamted Flash Clock Widget To Blogger?

  • Choose a type of clock below
  • Provide Require widget title
  • Fill Height and Width of the Widget
  • Click on "Genetate" button
  • Finally click on "Add to Blogger" to add it to your blog.

Add Animated Flash Clock To Your Blogger blog

Now let's start adding it...

Step 1. Login to Your Blogger Account.Go to your Blogger Dashboard.Click on Layout tab from left pane and click on Add a Gadget link.

Blogger Tips And Tricks|Latest Tips For Bloggers

Step 2. After click on Add a Gadget link A pop-up box will open now
with many gadget list, Choose HTML/JavaScript from the gadget options by clicking the blue plus sign for that gadget.

Blogger Tips And Tricks|Latest Tips For Bloggers

Step 3. Select 'HTML/Javascript' and add the one of code given below.

Step 4. Now Click On Save 'JavaScript' You are done.

Happy blogging!

Special Thanks

Picture From

Read more > How To Add Animated Flash Clock To Your Blogger Blog

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Introducing Maps Engine Lite - a better tool for customizing maps

This article is an introduction to Google's Maps Engine Lite, which is a tool for creating custom maps.

What is Google Maps Engine Lite

In late March 2013, Google announced a beta (ie late-stage test) of Maps Engine Lite - and now it is available from the main Google Maps interface, without the word "beta" in sight.

This is a web application to let you "Create powerful custom maps", and it has more features than the current  "My Maps" custom-map editor in Google Maps, which I've used until now to put certain maps into one of my blogs.

You can access it at:

Once you have signed in to a Google account, you can either view/edit an existing map that you have make with Maps Engine Lite or which has been shared with you in MEL, or create a new one.

How to create a custom map using Maps Engine Lite

Click on the New Map button from the front screen, or the New map link from the manage-files folder (top left side of the screen).

Use the arrow beside Base Map to choose the style that you want applied: this covers both what is shown, and the colour scheme. At the moment the options are:
  • Map (ie ordinary - like regular Google maps)
  • Satellite
  • Terrain
  • Light Political
  • Mono City
  • Simple Atlas
  • Light Landmass
  • Dark Landmass
  • Whitewater

Add places to the map by:

Drawing them - You add things to the map with the Placemark and line or shape-drawing tools.  These are similar to those for Google Custom Maps, though they're now separate into two items.


Importing them - from either CSV/Excel files or you existing Google Custom Maps - see for details about what is possible.

You can separate the map into multiple layers, and you have access to Google Maps regular search feature: search-results are placed on non-permanent "search" layer, and you can select a result, right click on it and Save it to the map you are currently editing.

While editing the map, you have these options
  • Style - lets you choose whether to show individual markers, or a sequence of letters/colours
  • Table - Edit the list of placemarkers and lines - giving each a name or description
  • Labels - lets you choose whether to show marker labels on the map or not - and whether to use the name or description field.

Sharing maps you have made

The map can be shared using the green Share button in the top right corner, via gmail, G+, Facebook, Twitter or anything else which lets you use a link like this:

Putting Custom Maps on your website or blog

In Maps Engine Lite, the "embed on my website" option is available under the Save icon (currently at the top left, with options New map, Open and  Embed)

This gives you a simple iframe statement like this:
<iframe height="480" src="" width="640"></iframe>
You can easily change the size via the height and width options, but there is no zoom level option - and I assume that the centre of the displayed map is represented in the coding  (this doesn't always work so well for Custom Maps - I usually recommend that people use the customization option).

And once you have the code, you can put it into your blog in the same way you would add any other 3rd party HTML.   The code above gives a map like this:

Notice that the map itself tells you that it was made with Maps Engine, and that it says it is for non-commercial use:   commercial users can buy access to a far more powerful version of the Maps Engine.

Advantages and disadvantages of Maps Engine Lite

So far I've only done a quick test, but initial impressions are:


Richer interface than custom maps - you can do more things.

Layers are a particularly good addition - it would be great if individual layers could be turned on/off from embedded version of the map.

Alternative colour scheme - will make it easier to create maps that are more suitable for certain circumstances, eg with a faded background.

Sequential markers - I don't have to use my own set of custom markers any more.

Uses the same base data as regular Google Maps - so the Follow Your World service can be used to get you updates about changes to the image-data.


No access to Google Streetview while you are editing the map.

Currently if you choose sequential markers, the labels and colours in the key on the left are not always the same as the ones used inside the map.

No Snap-to-roads option for lines

No custom map markers:  if you import a map from My Maps (aka Google Custom Maps), then any custom markers that you have are retained, and you can choose to use them again, but there is no way to add new custom markers.

What else have you found?

Related Articles:

Creating a Google Custom Map

Adding a Google Custom Map to your blog

Adding 3rd party HTML to your blog
Read more > Introducing Maps Engine Lite - a better tool for customizing maps

22+ Google Flag Translate Widget For Blogger / Blogspot

Installing translete on blogs is very necessary because there could be visitors from foreign countries who stray blog you, but that should be taken to ensure that no errors occur then translate your blog must use the official language, not language or slang market.Let your readers easily translate your blog with this highly compact widget. This blog translator is powered by Google Translate. The languages available at the click of a flag are Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.I hope no one could have seen a huge list anywhere. Now This widget gives your readers easily translate your blog.

Google Translate Widget for Blogger

How to add the Google Translate Widget to your blog:


Now let's start adding it...

Step 1. Login to Your Blogger Account.Go to your Blogger Dashboard.Click on Layout tab from left pane and click on Add a Gadget link.

Blogger Tips And Tricks|Latest Tips For Bloggers

Step 2. After click on Add a Gadget link A pop-up box will open now
with many gadget list, Choose HTML/JavaScript from the gadget options by clicking the blue plus sign for that gadget.

Blogger Tips And Tricks|Latest Tips For Bloggers

Step 3. Select 'HTML/Javascript' and add the one of code given below.

Step 4. Now Click On Save 'JavaScript' You are done. ..............


1. Login to your Admin panel > Presentation tab > Widgets tab

2. Paste the code into the Text Widget. If there’s no Text Widget available, add one.

3. Add a title. Ex: Translate, Translate this page, Google Translate (Optional)

4. Save.

Joomla site

1. Login to your Admin panel > Modules – Site Modules > click New

2. Paste the code into the Custom Output content box

3. Adjust module details and menu item links if necessary

4. Click Apply or Save.


Google Flag Translate Widget For Blogger / Blogspot 01

Google Flag Translate Widget For Blogger Blogspot 01


.google_translate img {
-moz-opacity: 1.0;
opacity: 1.0;
.google_translate:hover img {
-moz-opacity: 0.30;
opacity: 0.30;
.google_translatextra:hover img {
-moz-opacity: 0.30;
opacity: 0.30;
<a href="" rel="dofollow" target="_blank" title="Grab this"><img src="" alt="Blogger Tips And Tricks|Latest Tips For Bloggers" border="0" style="position: fixed; bottom: 10%; right: 0%; top: 0px;" /></a><a href="" rel="dofollow" target="_blank" title="Free Backlinks"><img src="" alt="Free Backlinks" border="0" style="position: fixed; bottom: 10%; right: 0%;" /></a><a href="" rel="dofollow" target="_blank" title="Free"><img src="" alt="Blogger Tips And Tricks" border="0" style="position: fixed; bottom: 10%; left: 0%;" /></a>
<a class="google_translate" href="#" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="English" onclick="''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&langpair=auto%7Cen&hl=en'); return false;"><img alt="English" border="0" align="absbottom" title="English" height="24" src="" style="cursor: pointer;margin-right:8px" width="24"/></a>
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Google Flag Translate Widget For Blogger / Blogspot 07

Google Flag Translate Widget For Blogger Blogspot 07

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Google Flag Translate Widget For Blogger / Blogspot 08

Google Flag Translate Widget For Blogger Blogspot 08

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Google Flag Translate Widget For Blogger / Blogspot 09

Google Flag Translate Widget For Blogger Blogspot 09

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Google Flag Translate Widget For Blogger / Blogspot 10

Google Flag Translate Widget For Blogger Blogspot 10

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Google Flag Translate Widget For Blogger Blogspot 11

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