Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Options for linking Picasa into your Blog

There are various places on your blog where you can put items from Picasa - and different options from Picasa too (individual pictures, albums, slideshows).  This article describes them, and links to articles with specific instructions about each combination.

Where to put Picasa items on your blog:

Previously, I looked at how Picasa manages pictures, and the advantages and disadvantages of using each type of Picasa item in your blog.

In short, you can choose where to put Picasa pictures, album links or slideshows in your Blog.

Options include:
  • inside an individual post, 
  • as a gadget in your sidebar
  • as a gadget in some other part of the blog that is set up to take gadgets (eg the header or footer)
The advantanges and disadvantages of each position are just the same as they are for other types of item (widget, diagram, map, graph, spreadsheet, etc) that you might put on your blog, ie they're not specific to Picasa items, and they vary a lot depending on your blog's design and niche.  So I'm not going in to them here..

How to put Picasa items into your Blogger blog:

(may of the principles here will work with Picasa and other types of blogging software - eg Wordpress, Typepad, etc - but these articles are targetted to Blogger)

Inside a Blog PostIn a Gadget
As an individual picturePutting a Picture into a page on BloggerInserting a Picture as a Gadget.
As an Album linkLinking to a Picasa album in a Blogger post

Linking to a Picasa album in your sidebar (or other gadget)
As a SlideshowPutting a Slideshow (from a Picasa album) into a Blogger post Putting a Slideshow (from a Picasa album) into your sidebar

Related Articles:

How Picasa manages pictures

Advantages and disadvantages of using Picasa items in your blog

Copyright, blogs and bloggers

Stopping pictures on your blog from being clickable

Showing a PowerPoint slideshow in your blog

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